Amy Johnston, MSW

inner world explorations

nature based experiences

We each have a relationship with the earth.

Being in nature invites feelings of recognition & comfort that’s incredibly valuable for personal growth.

Join me in the elements to journey deeper into yourself as well as your relationship with the natural world:

Ridge Walk – Sudbury *available for clients & non-clients

River Walk – Sudbury *available for clients & non-clients

Waterfront Wander – Toronto *for psychotherapy clients

Park Stroll – Toronto *for psychotherapy clients


Day Rate & Overnight Campsite Rentals
+ add ons: sauna; 1960’s a-frame;  1970’s camper trailer; 1960’s bus w/ woodstove


SUDBURY location:

125 acre off-grid property
Only house on the lake (+1000 ft of shoreline)
Three private campsites
5 campfire locations
Upper ridge & lower forest
Kilometers of forested trails
Trail access to rapids

TORONTO locations:

High Park
Christie Pits

Marie Curtis Beach
Kew-Balmy Beach

Ridge Walk – Sudbury:

Hike the ridge loop with me (90 mins) & sit by the fire (solo) – either at the ridge lookout or riverfront campsite. Session ends with integration discussion.

SINGLE: 3 HRS $500
*$400 reimbursable for clients (120 mins psychotherapy)

River Walk – Sudbury:

Mindful forest bathing through 3 riverfront campsites (60 mins). Solo time at final campsite (campfire & water access). Session ends with integration discussion.

SINGLE: 2 HRS $333
*$200 reimbursable for clients (60 mins psychotherapy)


Waterfront Wander – Toronto:

Join me by the water for a soothing session of gentle walking & settling into a seat by the lake (toe dipping optional).

2 hrs $400
1.5 hrs $300
*total cost reimbursable (psychotherapy services)

Park Stroll – Toronto:

City parks offer a beautiful blend of nature & community. Meet me at the park for a connective conversation in nature.

2 hrs $400
1.5 hrs $300
*total cost reimbursable (psychotherapy services)

available upon request.
min planning call included.
weather plan: virtual session

let's explore.
book a session